ijtrseditor@gmail.com   ISSN No.:-2454-2024(Online)

Instructions For Authors

International Journal of Technical Research & Science (Published by: Institute of Technical and Scientific Research) is having ISSN 2454-2024 (online), monthly international journal, being published every month by Institute of Technical and Scientific Research India.

It is academic, peer reviewed, online, open access (full paper) international journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in technical research, science and management. All the submitted papers will be reviewed and select by the board of committee of IJTRS.

The aim of the journal is to disseminate original, scientific, theoretical or applied research in the field of Engineering and allied fields, to dispense a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component, to aqueduct the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research, to seek original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental works for the publication globally, to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in MElectrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Food Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Architecture & Planning, Aerospace Engineering, Bio Mechanical& Biomedical Engineering, Geo Technical Engineering, Gas Engineering, Geological Engineering, Production Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Nanotechnology, Environmental Science, General Science, Education, Economics, Management, Human Resources & Many More, to impart a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component, to create a bridge for significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research, to solicit original and unpublished research papers, based on theoretical or experimental works.

Papers for the journal can be submitted, round the year, electronically at ijtrseditor@gmail.com. After the final acceptance of the paper and with the detailed review by the review committee, the paper will be published online. However, the research paper for the specific volume/ issue will be taken by editorial board later. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound Special Call for Papers will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only.

Submission implies that the work done is original and not published prior in any publication elsewhere.(except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis). The submission should be approved by all the authors and if accepted the whole and sole responsibility will be of the author only for not publishing elsewhere and one submitted cannot be way back unless the same rejected.

Author(s) be sure that:

  1. Plagiarism Check: Plagiarism software will be used to check the similarity that would not exceed 20% including reference section. In the case of exclusion of references, it should be less than 10%.
  2. Quality Check: All submitted paper should be the original piece of work, result oriented, and under the scope of the journal that should belong to the engineering and technology and management area.
  3. Paper Submission Criteria: Any one author cannot submit more than 02 papers for the same volume/issue.
  4. Review Criteria: The peer review process is a fundamental part of research publishing. It’s a way of ensuring only articles of the highest quality, which describe sound research methods and results, are published. The process involves both the journal editors and independent expert reviewers, who evaluate the submitted articles. Peer reviewers can recommend whether or not they believe an article should be accepted or rejected by the journal. However, the ultimate authority to make the final decision rests solely with journal editors or the journal’s editorial board.
  5. E-copyright: All authors will submit E-copyright to the Institute of Technical and Scientific Research (ijtrseditor@gmail.com)
  6. Template: All accepted papers should be formatted as per the defined Journal Template. Author (s) can make rectification in the final paper but after the final submission to the journal, rectification is not possible. In the formatted paper, volume no/ issue no will be in the right top corner of the paper. In the case of failure, the papers will be declined from the database of journal and publishing house.
  7. Updation in the Paper: Please be sure that

     8. Copyright Property: After the publication, Copyright will be property of publishing house and journal.

Publication Fee: 

       Publication fee is 1000/- INR per article with DOI number.

100% APCs are waived from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Review Process: 

Submission: Authors submit their research papers electronically through the journal's online submission system. They must adhere to the journal's guidelines and formatting requirements.

Editorial Assessment: Upon submission, the journal's editorial team checks the manuscript to ensure it meets the basic criteria for submission, such as adherence to the journal's scope and formatting guidelines. If the paper does not meet these requirements, it may be desk-rejected, meaning it will not undergo further review and will be returned to the authors.

Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial editorial assessment undergo peer review. The editor-in-chief or handling editor assigns the paper to expert reviewers in the field who have relevant expertise and knowledge.

Reviewers' Evaluation: Reviewers assess the manuscript's quality, originality, significance, methodology, and adherence to ethical standards. They provide detailed feedback and recommendations to the editor. The reviewers can recommend the following outcomes:

Reject: The paper does not meet the journal's standards and cannot be accepted for publication.

Minor Revisions: The paper needs minor changes that can evaluated by the editor.be re-reviewed after revisions.

Major Revisions: The paper requires significant changes and will be re-reviewed after revisions.

Reject: The paper does not meet the journal's standard and cannot be accepted for publication. 

Decision and Revision: Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes a decision. If revisions are required, the authors are asked to make the necessary changes to address the reviewers' comments and resubmit the revised manuscript.

Re-review (if necessary): In cases where major revisions were requested, the revised manuscript may undergo a second round of peer review to ensure that the revisions adequately address the reviewers' concerns.

Acceptance: Once the editor is satisfied with the revised manuscript and it meets the journal's standards, the paper is accepted for publication.

Proofreading and Publication: The accepted manuscript undergoes copyediting and typesetting. Authors may receive page proofs for final review and corrections before the paper is published online or in print.

The entire review process, from submission to publication, can vary in duration..