Nanoparticles made using green synthesis have a wide range of potential uses in the medicinal and environmental sciences. The main goal of green synthesis is to use less harmful chemicals. For instance, using living things like plants is typically safe. Additionally, plants contain capping and lowering agents. Here, we outline the fundamentals of green chemistry and go over the most recent developments in plant-mediated synthesizing nanoparticles. As contrasted to conventional physical and chemical approaches, plant-mediated techniques are safer and more eco-friendly. A thorough understanding of the synthesis of silver nanoparticles is emphasized in this chapter. With such a wide variety of biomolecules present in plants that can act as capping and reducing agents and thus boost the rate of reduction and stabilization of nanoparticles, using plants for the synthesis of nanoparticles is proving to be favorable compared to microbes. Nanoparticles made biologically are finding increased use in a variety of fields. In light of this, the current work considers the biosynthesis of nanoparticles from plants that are developing into nano factories.
Keywords: Plants, Silver nanoparticles, Green nano factories, biosynthesis.In this study, the fast neutron removal cross section (FNRCS), mass attenuation coefficient (?/?), halfvalue thickness (HVL), tenth value thickness (TVL), mean free path (?), total electronic cross section (?te), total molecular cross section (?tm), effective atomic number (Zeff) and the effective electronic density (Neff) the values were calculated for nickel-based shape memory alloy at different energy. Important another nuclear attenuation parameter relevant to shielding i.e. the fast neutron removal cross section (FNRCS) was be calculated for alloys. NiTiPt possesses the best FNRCS (= 0.143) among the present studied alloys.
Keywords: Shape memory alloys, half-value thickness, fast neutron removal cross section.