The present study focused on the mechanical properties of stir casted Al 6063/Al2o3 (Alumina) reinforced metal matrix composites. Aluminum-alumina composites are used in various industries including fabrication, aerospace, automobile sectors etc. The properties like corrosion resistance, low density, and high modulus of elasticity, higher thermal and electrical conductivity make them a best choice for its applications in various industries. The present work focus on mechanical properties of the metal matrix composite including, tensile behavior, hardness and surface characteristics of Al 6063/Al2o3 (Alumina) reinforced metal matrix composites by varying the percentage of the reinforced element alumina in the base matrix allot Al 6063.The samples prepared by stir casting process by varying the percentage of alumina in the base matrix alloy Al 6063 were tested for finding the ultimate tensile strength followed by hardness and surface characteristics. The thickness of the sample were taken 6mm.The mechanical behavior was analyzed by varying the percentage of the alumina for finding the above mentioned mechanical properties for safe design and usage of the metal matrix composite.
Keywords: Aluminum, aluminum oxide, composite materials, stir casting process, tensile test, hardness test.The design of energy-efficient heat transfer equipment, as well as the research for enhancing the thermal capability of conventional fluids, contributes to the effort for better energy management. An apparatus is designed and fabricated with heat transfer fluid by an ultrafine particle of fly ash to measure the Effective thermal conductivity of liquids under various temperature ranges. Natural convection heat transfer has been experimentally investigated to find out the heat loss to the atmosphere.
The apparatus is a completely different form of thermal conductivity apparatus which has been widely applied in the normal laboratory The objective of the present work is to prepare HT fluid of FLY ASH and nano/microparticles with distilled water as a base fluid, measurement of thermo-physical properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity and density), FLY ASH/distilled water HT fluid, working principles of various instruments like KD2 Pro, Ubbelhode viscometer and Pycnometer have been discussed.
Description of the experimental setup for measurement of heat transfer coefficient with its schematic diagram, experimental procedure and equations used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient are also discussed. For the preparation of FLY ASH/distilled water with a surfactant, Gum Arabic is used as a surfactant. This surfactant was added in distilled water first and then FLY ASH nano/ were added in it and sonicated for 2.5 hours continuously. But still, the nano/ were not dispersed properly. It remains stable for 1-2 hours only and then nano/ start to settle down. Results show that the thermal conductivity of alumina/distilled water HT fluid increases up to 2.40% for 0.1 volume% and 0.328% for 0.5 volume% of alumina/distilled water as compared to distilled water.
Keywords:In the current scenario, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is also playing an important role in research field because it provides so many surveillance applications such as in military, environmental monitoring, battle?eld strategy planning, industrial monitoring and many more. Wireless sensor network are self configurable wireless network that tends to major requirement of security. Data would be transferred from one sensor node to another node in open environment. Distributed nature, restricted computing power needs algorithms that require less complex algorithms. To overcome this problem light weight security protocol is used in WSN Classical Security algorithms cannot be easily applied to Wireless Sensor Networks. In this paper a survey of security protocols proposed for wireless sensor is provided, the paper also provides a comparison for the same.
Security plays an important part in wireless network. In the Present work, secure key management for providing security is play a vital role over wireless sensor network. In the present scenario, because of less computing power and memory space Conventional public key system is not worth full . In the research work the author has used random number to form the key which is a method to increase the security. Main advantage of the present work is that it is tuff to break a pair because a new random key generated each time.
Keywords: Wireless sensor Network, Light weight security protocols, Random number generator.As the demand of energy is increasing now- a days, it is estimated that by the year 2030, India’s dependency on fossil fuels import exceeds 53% of country’s total energy consumption. India is the world’s 7th largest producer of energy and 5th largest energy consumer [1]. In any economy there is direct effect of per capita energy consumption on per capita income and degree of economic growth. So, to balance the amount of fossil fuels and maintain the economy of India the energy should be generated using renewable sources or say non-conventional sources of energy. This paper includes the study of possibilities of electrical power generation by bio mass, as it can help for the rural electrification. If we particularly talk about Rajasthan then in year 2019, the installed capacity of Rajasthan is approx. 21GW and total increase during year 2018-19 is 1524.87MW [2].
Keywords: Bio- Mass, Bio – Energy, Steam Turbine.Antimony Selenide has been saved on ITO substrate under the streamlined conditions utilizing vacuum covering unit with affidavit pace of 10A°/sec. It has discovered that slender film had adherence and uniform to the substrate and no pores has been found. It was seen that optical band hole diminishes exponentially with Builds the Photon Vitality (Eg) It is additionally seen that assimilation coefficient in Optical Band Hole diminishes exponentially with expands wavelength of Photon (? nm). Arranged slender movies saved on appropriately cleaned substrate at various stoichiometry proportion (75:25, 50:50, 20:80) at consistent thickness of 200 nm.Nano Crystalline flimsy movies were kept at without strengthened, toughened at 2000 C to analyze the impact of tempering in recrystallization.The crystalline size has been resolved utilizing Scherer's recipe increments in range 76 – 94nm with increment in strengthening temperature. At without toughening arranged slim movies were discovered indistinct in nature. Tests were considered by X-beam diffraction (XRD) and checking electron microscopy (SEM) to get exhaustive and predictable microstructural data. UV-VIS NIR Spectrometer is utilized to quantify Optical properties of slim films.X-Beam Photograph Electron Spectroscopy (XPS) was utilized to gauge the essential piece of dainty movies. A picosecond laser siphon test framework was utilized to examine the stage change time among indistinct and crystalline states, by estimating the reflectivity of the material. Raman Spectra Examination strategy used to watch and investigation optical spectra to analyze the surface morphology of slight movies.
Keywords:The study of micro strip patch antennas has made great progress in recent years. Compared with conventional antennas, micro strip patch antennas have more advantages and better prospects. They are lighter in weight, low volume, low cost, low profile, smaller in dimension and ease of fabrication and conformity. Moreover, the micro strip patch antennas can provide dual and circular polarizations, dual-frequency operation, frequency agility, broad band-width, feed line flexibility, beam scanning omnidirectional patterning. In this paper we discuss the microstrip antenna, types of microstrip antenna, feeding techniques and application of microstrip patch antenna with their advantage and disadvantages over conventional microwave antennas. In this paper we will try to find the changes in the output of the Microstrip antenna when we change the input values. Analyzing rectangular Line-Fed Microstrip antenna using PCAAD 6.0 software.
Keywords: Directivity, Efficiency, 3 db Beam width.This paper is based on the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the field of Architecture and how to use the resources available in present day to improve the vision of building great architectures and use this technology in other fields of science in order to more precisely understand the basic concepts behind everything. Augmented Reality can be of immense benefit to the architecture industry. The oft-cited benefits of AR in construction industry include real time visualization of projects, project monitoring by overlaying virtual models on actual built structures and onsite information retrieval. But this technology is restricted by the high cost and limited portability of the devices. Further, problems with real time and accurate tracking in a construction environment hinder its broader application. To enable utilization of augmented reality on a construction site, a low cost augmented reality framework based on the Google Cardboard visor is proposed. The current applications available for Google cardboard have several limitations in delivering an AR experience relevant to construction requirements. To overcome these limitations Unity game engine, with the help of Vuforia & Cardboard SDK, is used to develop an application environment which can be used for location and orientation specific visualization and planning of work at construction workface. The real world image is captured through the smart-phone camera input and blended with the stereo input of the 3D models to enable a full immersion experience. The application is currently limited to marker-based tracking where the 3D models are triggered onto the user’s view upon scanning an image which is registered with a corresponding 3D model preloaded into the application. A gaze input user interface is proposed which enables the user to interact with the augmented models. Finally, usage of AR app while traversing the construction site is illustrated.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Architecture, Trimble Connect, QR code tracking, Tekla Structures, HoloLens, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift.The research represents the soft computing technique namely teaching learning-based optimization technique with the various flexible AC transmission system devices for interconnected power system for economic operation. In this paper the soft computing technique is used also for different reacting loadings. In these, two FACTS devices like SVC (Static Var compensator) and TCSC (Thyristor-controlled series capacitor) are utilized. The reactive loadings of the system have been gradually increased from 100% of base reactive loading. At last, the technique has been compared in respect to improvement of voltage.
Keywords: Var compensator (SVC), Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC), reactive loading, TLBO, Reactive power flow.